Blind Spot


I got nailed again a couple of weeks ago. I made a decision too fast. I came up with a conclusion that was not thought out very well. Oh yes, I had prayed about it, but even with the essential prayer component, I made the wrong choice. I felt pressured to decide, and in my haste, I was at fault. I didn’t foresee the way I handled a request would negatively affect an important relationship.

After I got through it, the blinders came off; I couldn’t believe I hurt someone I love. I lost sleep. I wasted emotional energy, plus I had a mess to clean up. For three days, I was a nervous wreck, experienced insomnia, an eating binge, and even gained a few pounds, which at this point, before our wedding, is not a good thing.

#3 Blog PostHave you looked back on a quick decision and wished you had done things differently? Did you regret how things turned out? Have you said, ”If I only would have known”? Of course, all of us have. No wonder we say “hindsight is 20/20.”

Here’s what I learned about blind spots: Google defines a “blind spot” as:

  • an area where a person’s view is obstructed.
  • “the angle rearview mirror eliminates blind spots on both sides of the car.”
  • an area in which a person lacks understanding or impartiality.
  • “Ed had a blind spot where these ethical issues were concerned.”

One thing I love about the Bible is how I can observe others who have struggled with many of same issues I deal with everyday: disappointment, depression, death and even “blind spots.” One of my favorite examples of “biblical blind spots” is in 2 Kings 10:28. Jehu was very zealous to serve the Lord. Jehu destroyed all the false prophets, ministers, and priests of Baal. Jehu deceitfully planned for the enemies of the Almighty God’s destruction; their mass annihilation was intentional, deliberate, and a clean sweep—they were all wiped out. But wait; there was something he had overlooked. Jehu’s view was obstructed—he did not destroy the golden calves at Bethel and Dan. He left them alone.

Although Jehu tried to do some of what God told him to do, Jehu did not obey God with all of his heart. The NIV study Bible says, “He had become God’s instrument for carrying out justice, but he had not become God’s servant.” Not only was Jehu’s view obstructed by his own motives, in addition, he was void of impartiality. Some commentaries say he didn’t destroy the golden calves because of “political reasons.” In today’s terms, Jehu wanted to be “politically correct” instead of “God-obedient.” Regardless of his reasons why he did not destroy the false gods of the golden calves, the bottom line was: He disobeyed God’s command.


My decision to give a negative answer to someone who asked me for a favor was based on what I believed to be true about our relationship. However, because I acted (or reacted) in haste, I had perceived incorrectly, and this caused me to seem insensitive, unemotional, and misunderstanding. My view was obstructed about certain parts of the request, and my process was self-centered, not God serving. Like Jehu, I acted in zeal, made a quick decision, when I really I needed to look in the mirror of God’s word and “check my blind spots.” Wayne Cordiero says, “You read the Word and the Word reads you.” I needed to reflect on what God would want me to do and see myself the way He does. Next time, I pray I act not in zeal or haste, but in humility. What about you? I pray we will act justly. One thing is for sure, we know we will get another chance.

“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

Let’s pray together, OK?

Dear Father, thank you for your mercy and grace. Lord, help us. Lord, have mercy on us. We ask you fill us with your love for others as you have loved us. We need your Holy Spirit’s guidance to understand the mercy you have shown us so we may show the same mercy to those who walk along side of us. Thank you for your willingness to give us mercy and grace all the time. Let us be so connected with you so we may show the same mercy and grace to others especially in their time of need. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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