Heart Monitor


I have heart problems. And so do you. Not of the physical sort, but a spiritual heart condition. In Matthew 22:37, Jesus said to the Pharisees, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Why would he say something like this to the Pharisees? The Pharisees were the most highly educated and spiritually trained leaders in that day. Yet the Pharisees also had a heart condition.

The heart is the seat of our emotions and out of the heart flows the wellspring of life. The heart is also “deceitful above all things,” says Jeremiah 17:9. We must constantly monitor what is in and on our hearts. We must check our motives, our motions, and our ministries. Are we serving God because it makes us look good? Or are we serving Him because He asked us and we want to be obedient?

Our heart’s inner life is most important. Peace and joy come from God’s spirit within us. When our hearts are right with God, even the middle of chaos, we can be full of peace and joy, be happy and content . Matthew 5:8 says “The pure in heart will see God.”

We must get into the habit of checking our hearts and asking God to help us guard our hearts. Ask Him for a heart like His: a heart of truth, generosity, grace, mercy, compassion, and love.

Dear Father, I love you with all my heart. I come to you and ask you to check my heart; forgive me for not asking you to protect my heart from evil. I submit to your plans. I ask for a heart like yours. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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