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Sheryl's husband Jim Turner acquired multiple traumatic injuries on August 16, 2022, by an attacker after teaching a class at church.

The fund is for medical expenses incurred by his assailant. The church where the incident occured refused to take financial responsibility.

Please scroll down to Fund at checkout and select "Giesbrecht Turner, Sheryl- US Staff."

Mail to: Freedom in Christ Ministries
9051 Executive Park Drive Suite 503, Knoxville, TN 37923

Include on Check: FIN ID# 33-0361836
Acct. Sheryl Giesbrecht, Staff #86

help jim turner

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Sheryl is author and speaker in 14 Bright Course training videos for women and men in crisis pregnancy situations.

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Sheryl is blogger and facilitator for Lead Like Jesus.

Donate here

Select the widow to sponsor and follow the instructions on her profile.