Monday Motivation – Five Life Hacks To Achieve Your Goals

Monday Motivation: Five Life Hacks to Achieve Your Goals

“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time for the days are evil.”  Ephesians 5:16, 15

Another  Monday morning. Some have been eagerly anticipating it, while others dread the dawning of the morning sun. The good news – we got an extra hour of sleep. Or you might be elated to have an extra hour to plan how to spend your time to achieve the goals you set?

I found these easy life hacks online, so thought I would share them with you. Of course, I have also added a few scriptures to encourage you today.

Here are five life hacks to help you achieve your goals, regardless of whether you’re attempting to be more active, live a healthier lifestyle, learn a new skill or make a social or professional improvement.They will be especially helpful if you’re resolving to make a significant change, like learning a new skill or spending more quality time with loved ones. What a great way to start a new work week and anticipate the holiday season.

1.  Set small milestones on the way to your ultimate goal

Improvement happens in small steps. You’re going to be much more likely to achieve success (and have more fun on the way) if you set yourself up to feel good as you make your way to your goal. For example, if your goal is to run a half-marathon, set out first to run a 5K, and be sure to celebrate yourself when you do.

  1. Get started, ASAP

Sometimes, people set a goal but then fail to achieve it because they keep putting off, you know, getting started on the road toward it. If there’s something you want to accomplish, set a date and time when you’re going to start pursuing it (why not today?). Then make sure you stick to it.

  1. Keep track of your progress

Every time you do something that’s going to help you reach your goal, record it — whether it’s writing it down in your planner or keeping an achievement journal. Being able to track your progress and look back on how much work you’ve done will give you an extra edge toward perseverance.

  1. Engage in some healthy peer pressure

Find a friend or family member who also has a goal, and agree to encourage and hold each other accountable when it comes to working toward it. It doesn’t even have to be the same goal, but all the better if it’s something you can do together!

  1. Keep room in your life for the most important things

While it’s important to hold yourself accountable and keep working to achieve your new goals, it’s also just as important to do other things that matter to you and that you enjoy, or that make you feel good — whether that’s volunteering, hanging out with your family, knitting, reading or just getting a good night’s sleep.

Isn’t it great to have a few new reminders about this principle? Please let me share a couple of my favorite time management verses here. And then I will pray for you and me as we look forward to using our time, God’s life in us, to the best of our ability.

“I delight to see how orderly you are!” Colossians 2:3

“Teach us how short our lives really are so that we may be wise.” Psalm 90:12 (NCV)

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the concept of time. Help us to be faithful with this life you have given us. It truly is our desire, o make the most of our days, as we build your kingdom together. We commit this week to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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