Monday Motivation: Looking to New Year's

Monday Morning motivation to you—have you begun planning your New Year’s goals? If not, it’s time to begin to pray about what God has for you in 2017. But wait, I have an idea. Won’t you join me and others for 31 days? We are putting together another online Facebook group studying Experiencing God Through His Names. The second study group began on October 1, and now on day 24, we are going to be done on October 31. So we are making plans to begin our third group on January 1. Please join us.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Commit to know God better. James 4:8 says, “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” If you ask God to draw you near, to take you to a deeper place in your relationship with Him, He will do it. In fact, He can’t wait to get closer to you.
  2. Buy a copy of Experiencing God Through His Names on or With your own copy of the book, each day you will read one devotional in your own personal time with God. James 4:10 says, “Humble yourself before the Lord, and He will lift you up.”
  3. Expect God to move in your life as you commit the new year 2017 to Him. James 4:15 says, “Instead you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
  4. Pray for yourself. James 5:7–8 says, “Be patient, then brothers, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, for the Lord’s coming is near.”


Here’s a sample of today’s devotion from Experiencing God Through His Names:

Day 24: Jehovah Jashopet I feel so dirty,” my friend sobbed. “I feel like everyone is criticizing me.” It was the end of our weekly recovery support group meeting and for the previous hour, the dear lady had vulnerably shared her painful past. Our group of four had compassionately listened, loved, and prayed over her past mistakes. “How can God forgive me for aborting my child?” Like so many others, this sweet woman was trapped in her guilt, shame, and blame. She was her worst judge.  Jehovah Jashopet is the name of God that means The Judge. The adjective righteous describes His most important attribute as a judge. In the Bible, the words for righteousness and justice are closely related. The name Righteous Judge includes the idea that God judges justly. The Message Bible calls Him the honest Judge, and elsewhere He is also the God of justice. God’s justice will never be swayed by bribes or altered by irrational grudges. God’s righteousness includes punishment of the guilty, but it leaves room for His mercy and forgiveness toward repentant sinners.

Here’s a sample of one of my daily Facebook posts and graphics in the private online group:

Monday Motivation! Good morning friends – Day 24 – Jehovah Jashopet (pronounced “JAH” “SHOW” “PET”)


Dear God, thank you for your place in my spiritual life as my Jehovah Jashopet, Righteous Judge. Thank you for your word that tells me, “There is NO CONDEMNATION IN CHRIST” (Romans 8:1). Thank you for cancelling the lies, shame, blame, and unworthy thoughts I have about myself. Thank you for replacing these with truth, wholeness, acceptance, grace, and love. Thank you for showing me how to love you. Thank you for your perfect judgement. Help me to trust you to judge those who need it. Thank you for your grace and mercy in my time of need. I love you, Jehovah Jashopet. Amen.

Hope you decide to join in. Are you interested? I am taking signups NOW

Send me an email:

Love and prayers,


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