“In God We Trust America” founder and Bakersfield Councilwoman Jacquie Sullivan shares her thoughts about D-Day 2019:
America, although striving to be uninvolved, was pulled into a world war when Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th, 1941. It was grim proof that our involvement in that war would be long, bloody, and costly. President Franklin Roosevelt said of the dreadful events of December 7,,1941, —– “A Date Which Will Live in Infamy.”
By contrast, D-Day, June 6, 1944, is a day that marked the onrush of victory.
On this day so many decades ago, Allied troops heroically stormed the beaches of Normandy in a strategic push to turn the tide of war forever. It was a daring maneuver that cost many lives, but in spite of withering lethal resistance from German troops, the Allies rolled forward from that date on to ultimate triumph.
The invasion was accompanied by earnest appeals by President Roosevelt and by Supreme Allied Commander,
in that massive effort to bring an end to the racial arrogance and military power of the enemy.
In this month of June, 1944, millions of prayers were answered and the historic effort succeeded. It is now for us, the heirs of the liberty won at so heavy a price, to be grateful to God and to our countrymen of a different generation for all the privileges of freedom we enjoy today. Their experiences in this time of trial give us today, in 2019, all the more reason to say of this land,