“What’s the use?” Ever prayed about something and it seemed to worsen? God’s eternal purposes prevail, though things may not seem better right away; He has lessons to teach us while we wait for the answer. If we depend on God, impatience and anxiousness can develop patience and persistence. Sometimes we feel like we are in the waiting room way too long! God’s ways are not our ways; He answers our prayers in His way and in His time.
“What’s the use?” Prayer is God’s way of accomplishing His will. “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him,” says Matthew 6:8. So why must we pray? It’s our part; we are responsible to commit our daily requests to God. The end of Matthew chapter 6, verses 32-33, says, “For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.”
“What’s the use?” Prayer is a command. Mentioned in Ephesians 6:18, “With all prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view; be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.” When we turn to God out of obedience, He gives us peace, hope, and strength for the journey. Prayer is important to God. There are instructions on how to pray, along with actual prayers recorded in the Bible. If we don’t have words to pray, we can open up our Bible to find words to pray for every situation we encounter.
“What’s the use?” Prayer is a powerful gift. God gives Himself through prayer; it’s fulfilling as relationship, fellowship, worship. Prayer is the one and only way to function as a faithful productive Christian. Prayer is not only effective; it’s experiential, exciting and essential!
Here’s a great quote from one of my favorites, Elisabeth Elliott:
“Are you often tempted as I am to doubt the effectiveness of prayer? But Jesus prayed. He told us to pray. We can be sure that the answer will come and it will be good. If it is not exactly what we expected, chances are we were not asking for quite the right thing. Our Heavenly father hears the prayer, but wants to give us bread rather than stones.”
I am loving you in prayer today,
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the gift of prayer. Thank you for sharing with us your heart when we pray according to your will be done. We thank you ahead of time for the answers you share with us; whether or not we get our way, we ask for your will. Let your name be glorified in all the earth through our prayers. Lord, teach us to pray! In Jesus’ name, amen.
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