Unraveling the Lie-Knot

Unraveling the Lie-Knot Book & Bible Study for Women
Unraveling the Lie-Knot offers encouragement and hope through the truth of the Bible. Once we know the truth about who God says we are as his children we can more easily identify the lies-knots we are told by the world and others. These lie-knots are deeply tangled but not impossible to unravel with God’s help. Join other women in this study as you work together to find the truth that will set you free forever.

Hosting Anglican Bishop of Kitale, Kenya

This October, Sheryl will be hosting her friends Bishop Emmanuel and First Lady Dorcas Chemengich of the Anglican Diocese of Kitale, Kenya. Details of their visit will be shared once confirmed.

Mission Kids Christmas

We'll bless the moms and kids at The Mission of Kern County with the Christmas story, prayer, singing, activities, food, and gifts!