Learning to Rest


So much to do, so little time. Each evening some of us lay our heads on our pillow and attempt to sleep guilt-free as we leave an unfinished to-do list. No wonder why we have insomnia. And in the morning we wake up feeling exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed to face the morning. We dread the fact that we have to stuff to do from yesterday, even last week. We have no peace.

 It is most difficult to live from a place of resting in God. Rest must be a big deal to God; after spending six days creating the world, he rested. He wants us to do the same in observing the sabbath; a literal day we can rest from the demands of daily living. But to live from a place of resting in Him takes mental and spiritual discipline. 

We can live in a peaceful place of union in the middle of stress by re-centering ourselves in Him. The way it works is as soon as we realize we have walked away from our place of peace (some people call it their happy place), we think, “How could I have strayed?” We all need a reality check. As soon as we see we are lost in the wilderness, we don’t walk, we run back to the Lord. ”The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.” —Proverbs 18:10 

When we return to the presence of the Lord, we call on His name. This helps us reconnect with Him, and we feel safe. It’s hard to form a new habit, but the effort is worth it. The more we return to Him, our resting place, the more peaceful and joyful our life will be. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” —Philippians 4:13

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to return to rest in you. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

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