Whew, that was close, I thought as I maneuvered my car back into the center lane, realizing I’d missed hitting the car I’d passed by just a few inches. That Mazda was in my blind spot. Although the Mazda was there, it was not in view when I’d checked the lane out. I didn’t see it. However, if we would have collided, the collision would have been my fault.
Have you looked back on a quick decision and wished you had done things differently? Of course, all of us have. No wonder we say “hindsight is 20/20.” Google defines blindspots as an area where a person’s view is obstructed.
I remember a time when I made a decision too fast. Oh yes, I had prayed about it, but even with the essential prayer component, I made the wrong choice. I felt pressured to decide, and in my haste, I was at fault. I didn’t foresee the way I handled a request for a favor would negatively affect an important relationship.
After I got through the sticky situation and the blinders came off, I couldn’t believe I hurt someone I love. I lost sleep. I wasted emotional energy, plus I had a mess to clean up. For three days, I was a nervous wreck, experienced insomnia, an eating binge, and even gained a few pounds, which is never a good thing.
One of my favorite examples of “biblical blind spots” is in 2 Kings 10:28. Jehu destroyed all the false prophets, ministers, and priests of Baal. Jehu deceitfully planned for the enemies of the Almighty God’s destruction, their mass annihilation was intentional. But Jehu’s view was obstructed—he did not destroy the golden calves at Bethel and Dan. His obedience to God was incomplete. He was told to get rid of every idol, but he chose to keep some of his favorite idols around “just in case.” Incomplete obedience is nothing more than disobedience.
We can learn from Jehu’s disobedience. God allowed Israel’s enemies to overpower their armies and the size of Israel was reduced and weakened (2 Kings 10:32). We must choose to obey God with all of our heart and, when God gives clear instructions, to do exactly as God asks. Next time, I pray I act (or react) in zeal or haste, but in humility. We must ask God for clear vision, ears to hear, and a sensitive and obedient heart to do the right thing. One thing is for sure, we know we will get another chance.
Let’s pray:
Father, thank you for your patience with us. We pray for ears to hear your voice, eyes to see your instructions, and the will to serve you as you have planned. Help us to walk according to Micah 6:8, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” In Jesus’ name, amen.
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