He is Stronger


Do you know what you need to do next? Have you got a plan? Have you figured out your purpose? Is that what keeps you going in the right direction? So how will you tackle that big project? Are you starting to get cold feet? Afraid to start the project? Scared you won’t know what to do next? Are you fearful of where to begin?

When we feel our resources are inadequate and our insights are insufficient, God can work. The time he reminds of our weakness and frailty, we have perspective—we ask God for help. We tap into His power and choose to rely on the One whose strength is always enough. 2 Corinthians 12:10 says, “For when I am weak, I am strong.” God uses humble means to exercise His power. He will use us, imperfect people, to do His will.

2 Corinthians 4:7 says, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” Jesus taught us if we want to be great, we must serve. In Philippians 2:7 we read even Jesus Himself “made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.” So when you are feeling not so powerful, unsure of what you might contribute or if you will finish what you have started out to do, remember God in you is more powerful than you could ever be on your own. And He has prepared good things for you to do.

So when you feel weak, for Christ’s sake, delight in weaknesses, insults, hardships, in persecution, in difficulty. Let’s pray:

“Dear Lord, thank you for working in and through me. Thank you for your mighty strength and power, available to me. Let me glorify you in all I do. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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