Hope Is An Anchor


I was once a hopeless dope fiend, and now I am a dopeless hope fiend. I don’t know where I would be without the light of hope in my life. Whether you live in a garbage heap or a palace, without the hope of Jesus we have nothing to look forward to. 

If in the midst of a storm at sea, a ship may drop anchor; when it does, it is secured by the huge 25-ton iron anchor that goes down deep. When strong and wild waves hit the boat, the rough waters won’t tip it over. It is safe and secure because the anchor has held it fast to the bottom of the sea. 

This is how hope works—it keeps the eternal part of us safe and secure in the storms of life. Our hope must be solidly in Christ, vibrantly connected to Him. We can endure and we are secure even in life’s fiercest storms. Hebrews 6:19 says, “We who are holding on to the hope of God’s salvation promises have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” 


We must drop anchor during the storms of our lives; hold on to the living hope in Jesus Christ. When I had cancer, I held onto His word by studying the names of God. When my husband was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident, I held onto hope by clinging onto His promises. How are you holding onto hope today?

Let’s pray from Hebrews 10:23. “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Dear Lord, we choose to hold on to the hope you offer us in your son, Jesus Christ. You never let go of us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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