App Interruption


An avid runner, my favorite app on my iPhone 5 to help monitor my progress and chart my running goals is Map My Run. This cool device helps track my running mileage, gauges my pace, and even audibly tells me how many calories I’ve burned.

Last week, I was enjoying my run, breathing the fresh air deep into my lungs, just getting warmed up. I heard the woman’s voice (I call her Gertrude) tell me, “Distance: 1 mile, pace 9.3 seconds, split 9.3 minutes.” About two or three minutes later, almost in the middle of my second mile, a different woman’s voice startled me with, “Hello, Gorgeous. You are looking better all the time. Your fabulous future awaits; find out more here.” I thought, “Are you kidding me? What happened to Gertrude? My Map My Run app was interrupted by an advertisement from a psychic app?” I couldn’t believe it!

The shocking reality hit me: Wherever technology is, there will be those who try to distract us from truth. I reminded myself that I am a child of God, and the evil one cannot touch me; I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear his fruit. As I affirmed my identity (who I am in Christ), the evil one could not touch me. John Stott says, “In practice, we should constantly be reminding ourselves who we are. We need to talk to ourselves, ask ourselves, ‘Don’t you know you are enslaved to God and are committed to His obedience?’ We must continue until we reply, ‘Yes, I do know who I am, a new person in Christ.'”

Ephesians 5:15 reminds us, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.” If you’ve been interrupted by any voices other than truth, remind them whose you are and speak this prayer aloud:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the precious shed blood of Jesus, who paid the price for my sins and forgave me.Thank you, in Christ, I am made righteous. Thank you for protecting me with your presence, Lord Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for fighting this battle. I claim victory over the power of darkness; bring the light and let me shine your truth. Thank you for freedom.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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