“Mechanical problems,” the pilot announced over the public service address system. We’d already boarded and seated on the plane an hour. My flight was already one hour late; I knew I would miss my connection. The reality of my circumstances ground against my plans like fingernails on a chalkboard. I could do nothing to prevent the inevitable. How would I respond? I was reminded of my mom’s advice in times of adversity: “Just praise Him!”
How can we praise God when irritating things happen, our plans are changed, schedules are altered? No matter what, God deserves our praise. When we worship our great God—not just for what He has done for us, but for who He is—there is a great exchange. We can be relieved from stress, plus enjoy fellowship with Him and the saints and much more. If we learn to focus on worship instead of worry, it can make things better. Praise brings us into God’s presence and can even minimize our problems. He inhabits the praise of His people. “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name.” Hebrews 13:15
Really? (You might wonder in a sarcastic tone.) No matter what happens, there might be something to praise Him about? Absolutely! If nothing else, we can worship God and affirm Him of our love, adoration, honor, edify, submission, and commitment. Worship can heal the hurts of this world and give us a glimpse of eternity. Affirming our devotion to God and reminding him of our respect helps us with our priorities. He alone is worthy of our worship and praise.
Psalm 145:2-3 says, “Great is the Lord and worthy of praise. His greatness no one can fathom. I will meditate on your wonderful works.”
If you find yourself delayed in traffic jam, by an impatient toddler, or stuck in a waiting room of unanswered prayer, choose to worship God. What’s keeping you from turning your delays into praise?
May I pray for you?
Heavenly Father, forgive me for being frustrated by waiting. I confess I have missed out viewing delays as an opportunity to praise you. Thank you for your patience and generosity in giving me more opportunities to wait on you. Let me praise and worship you as I wait. In Jesus’ name, amen.