App Interruption

I am an avid runner and I try to keep a regular running routine. I've found my favorite app for my Iphone 5, Map My Run, helps me track my running mileage, my pace and even tells me how many calories I’ve burned.

Last week, I was enjoying my run, breathing the fresh air deep into my lungs, just getting warmed up. I had heard the woman’s voice tell me: “Distance: 1 mile, pace 9.3 seconds, split 9.3 minutes.” A few minutes later, in the middle of my second mile, a different woman’s voice startled me with, “Hello Gorgeous, you are looking better all the time, your fabulous future awaits, find out more here.”

I thought, “Are you kidding me? My Map My Run app was interrupted by an advertisement from a psychic app?” I couldn’t believe it! And then it occurred to me that wherever technology is, there will be those who try to distract us from truth. I reminded myself that “I am a child of God, the evil one cannot touch me, I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear His fruit.” As I affirmed my identity of “who I am in Christ,” I knew the evil one could not touch me.

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The Lie of Lonely Leadership

Are you lonely at the top?

Isolation comes when leaders make unpopular choices, enforce difficult executive motions, balance ragged budgets or make risky solo decisions. At these times, leadership can seem like a forlorn and friendless wilderness.

A recent survey cited in The Harvard Business Review states “half of CEOs report experiencing feelings of loneliness in their role, and of this group, 61 percent believe it hinders their performance. First-time CEOs are particularly susceptible to this isolation. Nearly 70 percent of first-time CEOs who experience loneliness report that the feelings negatively affect their performance.”

As leaders, we can guard against any looming temptation to prefer seclusion. We must refuse to believe isolation is an essential ingredient in our leadership role. This is a lie. We walk in truth when we choose to make intentional connections with our team an indispensable and an essential priority. Team relationships are not just good for leaders, these associations are needed for team vitality.

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Just a Spoonful of Giggle

Remember the Mary Poppins movie? One of my favorite numbers was “ I Love to Laugh” – it showed different people’s styles of laughing.

I love to laugh – what a great tension release. I laugh a lot. Most of the time, I laugh at myself. I’ve found when I look for funny things I do, it makes daily-ness more enjoyable. I also laugh at jokes, clean comedy and life’s strange occurrences. I try to find humor wherever I am. As believers, we have many reasons to be happy, even joyful. Jesus has given us a lot to be joyful about: Jesus has conquered the power of the grave – He has overcome death.

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