Serving Like Jesus

December 25. Christmas comes on the same date every year. Then why do we feel so frazzled? We might need to reconsider not just how and who we serve, but why we serve. Imagine how our relationships could be strengthened if we perform each task we put our hands to as an act of service. Jesus Christ showed us how to serve.

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Four Things That Will Help You Hear from God

Greetings, Friends. Yes, the 2016 election is now history. Amazingly enough, also very historical. Franklin Graham led the charge to prayer with the 2016 Decision America Tour. We saw hundreds of thousands of men, women, boys and girls of all ages and races join hands and hearts to pray for our nation. We must keep on praying. We cannot give up praying for ourselves, our families, our neighbors and our leaders. We must learn to be good listeners for God's voice. This happens only when we give Him time and attention. During the Thanksgiving vacation, you might have a bit of extra time for God. Don't waste it. Here are four things we can do:

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