Make the Most of Your Time

TIME MANAGEMENT is actually a misnomer because no one can manage time. What we really manage is ourselves in order to accomplish our goals in the time available. Time must be redeemed; it has to be bought. Time is basic, unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed. “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time for the days are evil.”   Ephesians 5:16, 15  I wish I could stand on a busy street corner and beg people to give me all their wasted hours. Most people waste at least two hours everyday, although few realize it. Today we’re discussing how to improve Life Management skills:

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People Not Platforms

"How can we acquire, train and retain talent?" It's worth considering. We must view our team members as co-laborers brought to us by God. He has given them to us to steward, and allows us to nurture and encourage them along the way. So, let's grapple with the opportunity of how best to engage our team members to connect with God. As leaders, we can lead them closer to God only if we have gone there first. We must answer these two important questions: (Lead Like Jesus Revisited, pages25-27)

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Failing Forward

It’s time to settle an important life question. As a leader, how do you deal with failure? Failure is the inability to complete a task. Instead of feeling incompetent or giving into failure and giving up, leaders must learn to reset our expectations. We might even need to alter our schedule and regroup our team.We all fail. But it’s how we handle failure that will set us apart from other leaders.

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