Transformed Leadership Coaching
What is Leadership Coaching?
Effective leadership begins on the inside. Leaders who make a difference know who they are in Christ. This is called personal leadership. Every leader must ask and answer two important questions: 1. Whose am I? and 2. Who am I? Our Transformed Leadership Coaching techniques are prayer-based and Bible-based and founded on the principles from Freedom in Christ and Lead Like Jesus.
Leadership Coaching involves:
- Prayer
- Self-Examination
- Teaching/Training/Tools
- Vision for the Future
- Transformed Leadership Life Map
- Application and Accountability
Is Transformed Leadership Coaching for You?
Leaders want to finish well. However, leaders need accountability, accessibility, and advantage. This article from Dr. Robert Clinton says it best: Few Leaders Finish Well.
Dr. Clinton admits that the data is not conclusive, but there is one overwhelming conclusion that can’t be denied: In the Bible, few leaders finished well! Approximately 1300 spiritual leaders from scripture, church history, as well as current leaders, on average only one in three finishes well!
Do you want to finish well?
Financial Investment
Group — Transformed Leadership Coaching (perfect for price-sensitive clients, those more comfortable in a group setting and those who want an entry-level way to experience Sheryl Giesbrecht’s coaching)
One to One — Transformed Leadership Coaching (medium priced option)
VIP — Day Transformed Leadership Coaching Intensive (to enable clients to achieve desired results quickly. This is a valuable investment.)
By the Session: $125 per hour
By the Month: $450 per month (Includes four hours per month or one hour per week, plus one check in call per week and email access. Goals, target dates and practical steps will be agreed upon.
By the Package: $2,500 per six month package (includes four hours per month, plus two check in calls per week and email access. Leadership map will be designed with specific target goals complete with dates, rewards to levels of completion, written coaching session reports. Other services as requested, consulting, customized Transformed Leadership plan creation.